
If you're a new user then you will need to proceed through our registration procedure to confirm that you own a ETH address with the required amount of CND. If you encounter issues during registration, please visit our Troubleshooting section.

Registration procedure

1.First, discover the Cindicatorbot in Telegram by either:

a) Proceeding simply through this link

b) Entering @CindicatorBot into Telegram’s search field

2.To start the registration procedure, enter /start command and you will see a message that tells you the required amount of CND and asks you to enter your ETH address

3.After entering your ETH address, you will see a message with our ETH address, your code, and validation link

To verify that it's your address and finish registration process you should send any amount of ETH to Your address with Your code in transaction data field (the transaction will not confirm your ownership without this code)

4.After sending your transaction, you should check on Etherscan that your transaction contains the correct values including:

a) Your entered address in From field

b) Your ETH address in To field

c) Success in TxReceipt Status field

d) Your code inInput Data field (or string in Input Data field, similar with result of converting your code in a string to hex converter)

5.Click on validation link if everything is OK

6.You will see a Start button at the bottom of the screen

7.Click on Start

8.A message will instruct you to enter transaction hash (transaction from Step 3)

9.If data provided at Step 3 is correct, entering transaction hash will launch verification

10.After verification is successful, you will receive this message and discover the Menu interface

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